From Scratch to Ready: How To Create the Ideal Set of Journaling Supplies

Are you looking for ways to get started on your journaling journey? It can often be overwhelming and difficult to know where to start. But if you have the right supplies, it’s much easier to find inspiration and create art that reflects your unique personality. In this article, I’m going to share my top tips on making the perfect set of journaling supplies so that you can express yourself in a meaningful way!

Do you want an affordable way to create beautiful pieces of artwork while also expressing yourself through words? Then look no further than journaling! Journaling is one of the easiest and most enjoyable forms of self-expression available today. Whether you’re just starting out or are already experienced in making journals, having the right supplies is essential for crafting works that capture your unique style and tell stories about who you are as a person.

But what exactly do you need for journaling? And how can you ensure that your supplies reflect your individual taste and fit into any budget? Read on for some great advice on assembling the perfect collection of stationery items – from pens and pencils all the way up to specialty equipment such as stickers and washi tape – so that you can start bringing your creative ideas to life!

Gather Necessary Supplies

Did you know that journaling has been proven to reduce stress by up to 20%? No wonder so many of us are turning to this popular hobby! Creating your own journal supplies is a great way to ensure you have the perfect set-up. Let’s look at some ideas on getting started and what items you should consider gathering.

The first thing you need when making your own journaling supplies is an empty notebook or planner. You can find these in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and colors. Look around online or visit stores like Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Amazon for options. When choosing one, think about how much space you want inside – do you prefer lined pages or blank ones? Also, consider whether it will fit easily into your bag or backpack and whether its cover design appeals to you!

Along with a notebook or planner, pens and markers are essential for any good journaling setup. These come in various styles, such as felt tips, rollerballs, and gel ink varieties. Consider which type would work best for the kind of writing style that suits your needs. If drawing is part of your creative process, adding colored pencils could be beneficial too! Don’t forget stickers and washi tape – they’re always handy for sprucing up a page quickly without having to commit to something more complex permanently!

These basics form the foundation of any successful journey into journaling – but there’s still plenty more where that came from! From highlighters and erasers through to stencils and templates, picking out just the right combination of stationery can take some experimentation before settling on the ideal mix. With each item carefully chosen, you’ll soon have created yourself a unique supply kit ready for whatever comes next in your journalling adventure!

Create A Planner Or Journal

Creating a planner or journal is like setting the canvas for your creative masterpiece. It’s where you can express yourself, track progress, and store memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it be an online platform or a physical notebook, this blank slate allows us to create our own world of reflection and exploration.

As we start putting pen to paper, we step into an almost meditative state as new ideas are explored, feelings are expressed, and thoughts are processed. This is more than just writing down what we did over the weekend; it’s about allowing ourselves to get lost in the moment while gaining clarity on our goals, dreams, and aspirations. We become empowered by letting go of the past and embracing future possibilities with optimism and hope.

Taking time out from our busy lives to reflect through journaling gives us the opportunity to slow down and appreciate life’s little moments – no matter how mundane they may seem at first glance – so that we can learn from them and ultimately grow both personally and professionally. From here, we can take things up a notch by decorating supplies such as stickers, markers, or paints to make each page unique – giving wings to our creativity!

Decorate Your Journal

Ready to make your journal look unique? Get creative and decorate it! With a few simple supplies, you can give your journal the spark of personality that will inspire you each time you open it.

There are many ways to dress up your journal: add stickers or washi tape, draw on the cover with markers or colored pencils, glue fabric scraps onto the cover—you name it! You don’t have to be an artist to create something beautiful; just let your imagination take over and go wild.

The possibilities for decoration are endless. Need ideas? Look online for inspiration from others who have decorated their journals in interesting ways. Or check out craft stores for more supplies that you could use. Have fun with this part – there’s no wrong answer when it comes to decorations!

Add Writing Tools

Well, it’s time to jump into the deep end and add those writing tools! I’m sure you’re itching to get some pens, pencils, erasers, and whatever else you fancy. Let’s hit the ground running and make this journal an absolute showstopper!

First, you have to think about what writing tool would suit your needs best. Maybe something with a fine tip for intricate detail or a thicker pen that will really stand out? There are so many options available these days that you can go all out when selecting supplies for your special journal.

Once you’ve picked out the perfect pieces, why not take it one step further by decorating them in any way you like? You could add stickers and embellishments, draw doodles around the edges or even paint them different colors. It’s totally up to you how creative (or not) you want to be – but let’s face it; the more unique they look, the better!

Now that we’ve got everything kitted out and looking amazing, let’s move on to storing our supplies safely until we need them again.

Store Your Supplies

Storing your journaling supplies is an important part of the process. It helps keep everything together and organized, so you can easily find what you need when it comes time to get creative. Having a dedicated spot for all your goodies makes the whole experience more enjoyable!

I suggest keeping all your supplies in one location – that way, you won’t have to search through multiple drawers or boxes. Consider investing in storage solutions specifically designed for art supplies; these are often great at organizing pens, markers, and other items into neat compartments, making them easier to access quickly. If space is limited, look for stackable trays with lids or shallow bins that fit on shelves or under beds.

Take some time to think about how you’d like to store each item: do you want quick access to certain things? Do you prefer having everything visible? Or would it make sense to combine different materials (e.g., paper and writing tools) in one container? Once you figure out what works best for you and your needs, set up a system that will help streamline your creative process – this way, every time you sit down to write or draw something new, all the necessary gear will be right there waiting for you!


Making your own journaling supplies is a great way to create unique and special items. You can customize them to fit your style, interests, or needs. With just a few simple steps, you can have the perfect set of supplies for keeping track of important events in life.

The first step is gathering necessary supplies such as paper, pens, markers, stickers, and other creative materials like washi tape. Then decide what type of planner or journal you want to make; it could be a daily planner with sections for each day’s activities or a bullet journal where you record lists of tasks and ideas. Decorate the pages with any art style you enjoy – “A picture paints a thousand words!” Once everything looks good, add writing tools like fountain pens and brush pens to have something beautiful to write with. Finally, store all your new supplies orderly so they’re always easy to find when needed.

Creating custom journaling supplies is fun and rewarding – plus, it teaches us how to stay organized while expressing our creativity simultaneously! All it takes is patience and experimenting until you get the right combination of the best materials. So go ahead and try making your own unique collection – who knows what amazing things will come from it?


My name is Jaap, and I am a passionate collector of pens and stationery. I am excited to share my knowledge and love of this hobby with you through my website. From fountain pens to notebooks, I strive to provide in-depth reviews and information on all things stationery. Whether you're a student looking for the perfect notebook, or an artist searching for the ideal sketchpad, I am here to guide you through the process of finding the perfect items to suit your needs. Join me on my journey of exploring and documenting all things pen and stationery.

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