When looking back at my journaling experiences, I see themes and motives that suggest that it could be a form of prayer. For prayer to be real, it needs to be between men and God, and for prayer to be effective, it needs to be personal and intimate.
Journaling is a form of prayer that can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings by writing them down.
When I start to write, I often have that feeling that I have not been praying enough. There is this feeling inside me that my brain lacks something that it desperately needs. This feeling is usually followed by an intense desire to find where I can see the answers and then the time to jot it down in my little journal.
Using a Journal to Connect with God
My journals and books are my tiny private conversations with God. My notes and quotes are often transformed into a sermon or blog post. When I journal, I feel the connection with greater consciousness, and I feel the connection with a world that I cannot feel otherwise.
This connection to greater consciousness is what I feel when I write. There is connectedness with the universe that I am trying to understand, and I want to achieve some level of understanding that will bring me peace.
Journaling as A Way of Meditating
Meditation is a way to achieve peace. It is a way to connect to higher consciousness, and it is a way to gain a deeper understanding of the universe. I believe that journaling also achieves these same goals. Journaling is a way of meditating. It is a way for me to find peace, to feel a connectedness with a universe and a consciousness that I can not otherwise feel.
There are several other theories that journaling could be a form of prayer, and I believe that this is true and personal to me. Some theorists say that journaling is an everyday and helpful practice, not mystical or spiritual. This is something that I struggle with, and I have a tough time not being swayed.
I believe that journaling can be a mundane act, but it can be so much more if you do it right.
I feel that it is a personal form of prayer. It feels magical, mystical, and in many ways, it is. Sometimes it is just ten minutes, sometimes I write late into the night, other times I skip writing it all together, but the sense of peace is there all the same.
If you struggle to find meditation but want to, I encourage you to try it. Give journaling a try. It might not feel like prayer, but it may just be how you connect with the higher consciousness you are seeking.
Have you ever read a brilliant quote that has stuck in your mind for days, months, or even years? I have, and I have often read an excerpt or passage that just wholly speaks to my soul. More often than not, I read something related to a specific topic, such as weight loss, anxiety, or life in general.
The quote below is one of those quotes that relate to it all.
“You are the accumulation of all the thoughts you’ve ever had and those you’ve yet to have.”
When I look at my life, I realize how much I do not know. I know very little about the world and even less about myself. What I lack in knowledge, I make up for in my ambitions. When I look at my life, I am worried I lack focus and direction.
I read a quote that I believe is profound, and it asks a fundamental question.
“If God only gave you one life to live, what would you do with it?”
If we look at our own lives, we ponder whether our lives are how we would like them to be. We ask ourselves, “What do I want from my life?”
Many people, including myself, wonder, “What should I do with my life?”
The answer, in my opinion, is “Be happy.”
That doesn’t mean that we ignore issues and problems, that does not mean we ignore the world around us, and it means that we don’t let those problems and issues destroy our happiness and joy.
Getting Started Journaling will help you develop a strong faith bond and keep you spiritually healthy
Our Relationship with God Is Dynamic
We constantly grow and evolve with God. Our relationship is with us, our Creator, our Savior, our life, our Lord. It is a two-way process.
Prayer helps us to get to know Him better.
This is a crucial part of prayer. Prayer means that you establish a dialogue and communication with God, and this means that our relationship with God never stops developing.

Journaling to Communicate with God
If prayer were a letter or a journal, then it is a conversation and communication. You state your opinion, ask for advice, reveal your weakness, ask for help, give thanks, etc. That is everything a journal is, and journaling is just a means to communicate with God.
A simple act that has the power to strengthen and heal us, redirect us, and remind us all that God’s love is with us, always.
Do you have time to journal, draw, or doodle? Did you know that doodling can be a form of prayer?
It is as if the act of doodling relaxes you so that you can hear what God might be saying to you.
“For those who want to quiet their minds and quiet their hearts, doodling can be a great way to get in touch with God.”
You may be wondering, “So what is the difference between journaling and praying?”.
For me, the difference is not in the communication method but the content of the communication. In prayer and journaling, you are giving God the opportunity to communicate back with you.
In prayer, you are opening up a dialogue, a conversation. In journaling, you are writing down your conversations with God.
So is journaling a form of prayer?
Yes. Absolutely. Journaling is a way to open up to God, and it is a way to deepen your relationship with God.